SMUDAJESCHECK was founded 15 years ago and has been located in Munich’s Maxvorstadt district since 2017. The gallery stands for contemporary positions and focuses on non-figurative art. In the beginning, the work concentrated on young or little-known artists. Over time, renowned positions have been added, such as Willi Siber, Jerry Zeniuk, Beat Zoderer and Zhuang Hong Yi. In 2017, the gallery and artist Neringa Vasiliauskaite were awarded the Art Karlsruhe Prize for the best One Artist Show.

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Augustenstr. 48
80333 München

Tel. +49 (0) 173 311 0309

Opening hours

Wed – Fri 2.00 – 6.00 pm
Sat 12.00 am – 4.00 pm
and by appointment